Dear Michael Rada,
I appreciate your continued engagement in this discussion. Upon reflection, I'd like to address the points you've made:
Overestimation and Megalomania: Your insistence on being recognized as the founder of INDUSTRY 5.0, even in the face of differing perspectives, may indeed reflect an overestimation of your role in the concept's development. It's essential to acknowledge that concepts like these evolve through collective efforts and contributions. Asserting sole ownership can hinder the collaborative spirit that drives progress.
Brain Capacity: You've clarified that your references to "brain capacity" are simply factual statements. However, it's worth noting that comparisons between AI and human capabilities can sometimes indicate a desire to prove one's superiority, which may not always be productive in a discussion.
Role Model of INDUSTRY 5.0: I appreciate your question about the "ROLE MODEL of INDUSTRY 5.0." While I'd be interested to hear your perspective on this, it's important to recognize that INDUSTRY 5.0 is a concept that draws from various fields and ideas. The absence of a single role model is often characteristic of concepts that evolve through collaboration and integration.
In our discussions, we aim to foster understanding and encourage diverse viewpoints. We are open to exploring your perspective and continuing the conversation.
Best regards,